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Bee Pollinator Friendly!

Pollinator Week 2016

Did you know? It’s Pollinator Week!

In recent years, there have been an alarming number of reports on the struggling statuses of bees and butterflies. But with a little guidance, we can try to do our part in helping rebuild the pollinator populations!

Tips for Planting a Pollinator Friendly Garden

  • Pick a sunny spot. Did you know insects are cold-blooded? Therefore, they need to warm up their bodies to fly well.
  • Cluster nectar plants in large groups so they can be seen from greater distances.
  • Plant a variety of native plants that bloom at different times so the adults have a steady supply of nectar and pollen.
  • Include food sources, also called host plants, in your garden so butterflies have a place to lay their eggs and the caterpillars have leaves to eat. (Butterfly Weed will draw Monarchs!)
  • Some Pollinators like bright colors such as red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple.
  • Avoid using heavy chemicals in your garden and on your lawn. These products can kill pollinators and other beneficial insects in both their larval and adult phases.

A short list of Perennials for Pollinators

Plant Name Nectar Source Host Plant Bloom Time Exposure
Agastache- Hyssop Yes No July-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Beardtongue Yes No May-July Full Sun/Part Shade
Bee Balm Yes No May-July Full Sun/Part Shade
Black Eyed Susan Yes No July-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Cardinal Flower Yes No July-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Chelone- Turtlehead Yes Yes August-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Coneflower Yes Yes July-October Full Sun/Part Shade
Garden Phlox Yes No July-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Goldenrod Yes No August-October Full Sun
Joe Pye Weed Yes No August-September Full Sun/Part Shade
Milkweed Yes Yes June-August Full Sun/Part Shade
Threadlead Coreopsis Yes No June-July Full Sun

So if you’d like to help rebuild the pollinator populations, keep these tips and perennials in mind when planting. With a little planning and patience, soon bees will be buzzing and butterflies fluttering around your garden.