
Local Field Grown Mums are a Familiar Sign of Fall

Local Field Grown Mums are a Familiar Sign of Fall

As summer fades, it is time to welcome early signs of autumn. Soon the temperature outside will drop, leaves will change and pumpkins will pop up on porches everywhere, but another sign of fall that we have come to trust at Secluded Acres is the first glimpse of flowers blooming in our mum field. If you drive by our farm and garden center on Route 47 in Rio Grande, you can watch a new crop of chrysanthemums grow every summer (since 1985). Just in time for the fall!

Although hardy mums may be difficult to grow well, with proper care, these popular plants should produce outstanding growth year after year when most other perennials begin to go dormant for the winter. Chrysanthemums are a member of the daisy family, yet they offer an amazing variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. In fact, mums are available in nearly all colors, except blue. Hardy mums bloom any time from August to November, depending upon the variety and color, so it is best to select different colors for a longer display of show.

Mums thrive in rich, fertile, well-drained soil and flower best in full to part sun. Be sure to water them thoroughly, especially through dry spells (as we experienced this summer!). It is also important to fertilize mums regularly and generously throughout the growing season. Mums can be divided to retain strength and good appearance, but dividing is best done in spring before the growing season progresses. In an effort to maintain a bushy, compact form, practice tip-pinching from spring through early summer. Although some newer varieties do not require pinching, the traditional method has been to pinch tips back in order to encourage branching and produce stockier plants. For best results, start pinching when the spring growth reaches about six inches and continue pinching until July 4th.

Mums also grow well for a single season in pots and bushel baskets. If you are planning a fall wedding or special event, potted mums provide beautiful color, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Left in containers, flowering mums will instantly enhance your patio or deck.

Since many perennials have passed their prime for this year and most annuals begin to wither, consider adding the same mums you watched grow in our field through the summer to your homes and gardens. After all, as summer ends, our field mums are starting to flower and autumn is on its way! Happy planting and decorating this fall!